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以前的出版日期: 2021年5月13日


I. 政策声明

在圣安东尼奥德克萨斯大学(世界杯官方app), 学生构成了劳动力的重要和有价值的一部分. 学生 employment mutually benefits students and the University by providing students with financial support in pursuit of their academic goals and opportunities for academic or administrative job experience; while also providing a resource to the University to meet workforce requirements.

II. 基本原理


3. 范围

This policy applies to departments which utilize position(s) that require student status as a condition of employment. Individuals applying for or holding positions that do not require student status as a condition of employment, 但作为世界杯官方app学生入学的学生不在此政策范围内.

IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

  1. 德克萨斯大学系统政策或校董会规则 & 监管
    1. UT系统办公室员工福利管理手册修订版. 2013年6月
  2. 国家法规
    1. 德州教育法典第54条
  3. 世界杯官方app 跳政策
    1. 世界杯官方app 跳策略5.05, 居民学费就业证明
  4. 其他政策及标准
    1. 世界杯官方app人力资源分类学生职位
    2. 世界杯官方app人力资源分类职称,工资范围和工作描述

VI. 联系人

如果您对跳策略有任何疑问.09, 学生的员工, 联系以下办公室:


7. 定义

  1. 学生员工: An employee appointed into a position requiring student status as a condition of employment. 学生 employees must be enrolled in a recognized educational institution on a half-time or greater basis during the current or next scheduled semester. 符合这些标准的学生志愿者不被视为学生雇员.
  2. 学生的地位: 基于学生职位入学要求的个人地位.
  3. 学生的位置: 以学生身份作为雇佣条件的有偿工作.

8. 责任

  1. 招聘经理/主管
    1. 核实学生是否符合学生职位的资格要求.
    2. 遵循世界杯官方app程序雇用和分配个人到一个位置.
  2. 学生
    1. 根据学生职位,符合学生身份的资格要求.
    2. 要求具有研究生目录中规定的良好学术成绩.
    3. 符合应聘职位的要求.
  3. 卓越的人
    1. Coordinates with the Graduate School and Academic Affairs for establishment and review of student positions and pay structure.
    2. 批准学生作业.
    3. 批准院长或副校长提交的薪酬结构.
  4. 教务及研究生院
    1. Coordinates with 卓越的人 for establishment and review of student positions and pay structure.
  5. 财政援助办事处
    1. 处理勤工俭学学生职位的预约.
    2. 处理表格和发放勤工俭学基金.
  6. 财务处
    1. 确定居民学费率的资格.

IX. 程序

  1. 所有学生雇员的选择将不受歧视.
  2. Concurrent appointments are allowed with all student positions if the student employee’s total appointments do not exceed the allowable work hours. 允许的工作时间取决于学生职位的要求.
  3. All student employees must be paid within the established salary range for the student position.
    1. 除以下情况外,学生职位按小时计酬. 教学助理可例外按小时计酬, 研究生研究助理, 及助理教官.
  4. 某些学生职位的资格和限制
    1. 工读资助职位 限制学生员工每周工作时间不超过19小时 over a four and one-half month period. 学生 employees applying for these positions must be enrolled at least six credit hours and provide verification of work study award to the department. The 学生 employee receives the work study award information from the 财政援助办事处.
    2. 本科生研究助理 限制学生员工每周工作时间不超过19小时. Enrollment for at least nine credit hours for each long session and a total of six credit hours during the summer session is required.
    3. 研究生助教奖学金
      1. 全额资助的全日制博士生
        1. 必须是全日制学生, 长学期(秋季和春季)9小时,夏季3小时 to be appointed for full graduate assistantship that provides for a maximum of 19 hours per week.
        2. 学生s with full graduate assistantships will be enrolled as prepaid Single Subscriber in the UT系统 学生 Health Insurance Plan (UTSHIP).
        3. 学生可被任命为研究生研究助理, 研究生教学助理或研究生服务助理, GTA或GSA)(请参考3.45定义).
      2. 非全日制博士生除外
        1. 必须是全日制学生, 6hours in long semester (fall and spring) and 1 hour in summer to be appointed for partial FTE prorated graduate assistantship that provides for a maximum of 15 hours per week.
        2. 如果获得部分资助,学生可以持有GRA, GTA或GSA职位.
        3. 学生可以被任命为研究生行政助理(GAA),请参阅3.45(定义),如果没有资金.
      3. 硕士学生
        1. 我们鼓励学生全日制注册, 长学期(秋季和春季)9小时,夏季3小时.
        2. 学生可以持有GRA, GTA, GSA或GAA职位.
      4. 实习/实习
        1. 需要临床环境的课程要求学生有健康保险. Eligible students may subscribe to UT系统 学生 Health Insurance Plan (UTSHIP) at their own expense to satisfy this requirement.
      5. 职位
        1. 研究生研究助理 (GRA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment for at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer sessions is required.
        2. Graduate Administrative Assistant (GAA) limits a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment for at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session is required.
        3. Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment of at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session in which they teach is required.
        4. Graduate Service Assistants (GSA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment of at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session in which service is provided.
    4. 带薪学生实习生 每周的总预约时间不超过十九(19)小时.
      1. 学生实习生必须为他们的约会获得学分.
      2. 学生 interns must be enrolled in an approved internship course to qualify for this position.
      3. 无薪实习学生不在此政策范围内.

X. 初始实施的特殊说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程


十二世. 附录


十三世. 批准/日期修改

